lunes, 29 de abril de 2024

Unit9 pag39 ex: 5,6,7,8


1.How many followers have you got on Twitter?

2.I get breaking news all day, so I don't watch the news on TV.

3.To set up a packet data box connection, select mobile networks 

4.Leave a voice message, and i'll lisent to it leater.

5.I prefear having a face-to-face convresation in Skype 

6.It's easy to keep in touch with pepople when you've got these apps.

viernes, 19 de abril de 2024

Dialogue unit9


A: Can you help me, please? Why is this samartphone cheaper than that one?

B: this one is a budget model. that one is a top-of-the-range phone. it's got all the latest features.

A: What are the main differences between them?

The main adventatges of budget is the lower price. they've got the same basic functions, but they haven't got as many extra features.

A: Can you still get a good internet connection on the cheaper ones?

B: Yes. no problem

What about downloading films.

B: If you want a samartphone for downloading playing games, etc. it's better to get one of the more expensive models. This timewise Mercury is great value.

A: What other disaventatges has the budget smartphone got?

The camera isn't as good as on an expensive model. The images are lower resolution and the lens and sensors are lower quality.

A: That's good to know. The camera is what i use most.

Also, the battery in a budget smartphone doesen't last as long as in the more expensive models. the battery life is less than eight hours. The others last more than ten.

OK. Thank you for the information.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2024

rescheduling meeting

 A: Hello! is that Mrs Brody? This is Mark Brown, Geraldline Marsden's administrative assistnt at Compusafe.

B: Hello, Mark. What can i do for you?

A: Well, unfortunatly Mrs Marsden is ill, so she won't be at work for three days

B: Oh, i'm sorry to hear that.

A: The problem is, she won't be able to make it to the meeting you arranged got tomorrow. Can we reschedule it?

B: Certainly. Let's look at the calendar.

A: What date is convenient fot you? how about Tuesday, 5th January?

B: I won't be aviable on that day.

A: I see Mrs Marsden will also be free on Wensday, 6th January. would that suit you?

B: I've got a staff meeting in the afternoon, but i'm free in the morning.

A: Great! Will 11 o'vlovk in the morning be OK?

B: Yes, i'll write it in my diary.

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024

Vocabullary Unit10